At Orion Vedette, we believe in protecting the environment. Our sustainability is an ongoing journey which only improves with time and experience. We have introduced policies and practices in order to protect the environment and support our community.

Orion Vedette have a reduce, reuse, and recycle policy. This includes recycling food waste by donating it or sending to processing centers for rendering into fertilizer, recycling cardboard and using biodegradable packaging where possible.

All Good – All Natural

Ecuador Premium Green Bananas

Bananas are among the world’s most popular fruits. On the off chance that you despite everything need reasons concerning why you should remember bananas for your eating routine, here are the mind-boggling advantages of eating a banana:

  • The Powerhouse of Nutrients
    Banana is a heavyweight with regards to Nutrients. It is stacked with basic nutrients and minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, riboflavin, and B6. These all add to the best possible working of the body and keeping you solid.
  • High Fiber Content
    Banana is loaded with fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber has the tendency to slow down digestion and keep you feeling full for a longer time. This is why bananas are often included in a breakfast meal so that you can start about your day without having to worry about the next meal.
  • Heart Health
    High fiber nourishments are supposed to be useful for the heart. As per an investigation done by the University of Leeds in the UK, expanding the utilization of fiber-rich nourishments, for example, bananas can bring down the danger of both cardiovascular ailment (CVD) and coronary illness (CHD).
  • High Source Of Potassium
    The high substance of potassium in bananas makes it a super organic product. This mineral is known for its various wellbeing profiting properties – it helps in directing heartbeat, circulatory strain, and keeps the mind alert. So ensure you add bananas to you every day to keep your heart and mind sound, in addition to for a more corralled pulse.
  • Blood Pressure
    Salt is the offender with regard to hypertension. Bananas have low salt substance and high potassium content, and these properties add to making it an ideal for those going through this condition. So it maintains our blood pressure level.
  • Manganese in bananas
    One medium-sized banana gives roughly 13% of your day by day manganese needs. Manganese enables your body to make collagen and ensures your skin and different cells against free extreme harm.
  • Bananas can aid digestion
    A medium banana will give around 10-12% of your everyday fiber needs. Singapore’s Health Promotion Board suggests an everyday dietary fiber admission of 20g for ladies and 26g for men. Dissolvable and insoluble strands assume a significant job in your wellbeing. Dissolvable fiber enables your body to control your glucose level and dispose of greasy substances, for example, cholesterol. Insoluble fiber adds weight and delicateness to stools, making it simpler for you to have normal defecations. This assists with protecting your gut solid and from destructive microbes.


Vegetables are well known for their nutritional values. They are low in calories and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Some vegetables are used to fight with inflammation and chronic illness.

  • Spinach
    This leafy green vegetable has a great nutritious profile. It is full of antioxidants which are essential to fight with chronic diseases. One cup of spinach complete 56% of your daily vitamin A that is significant for your eye health. Spinach is high in beta carotene which is highly beneficial for cancer patients or protects from cancer disease.
  • Carrot
    Carrots are a great source of vitamin A, and a one cup of carrot can complete your daily need. They also high in beta carotene which protects you from portrait and lung cancer.
  • Broccoli
    Broccoli contains sulforaphane which is help to reduce the breast cancer cells and also can block the growth of tumor. It is also loaded with multi nutrition such as vitamin K, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and magnesium. By eating broccoli can also reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Garlic
    Garlic is traditionally known as a medicinal plant due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Many studies show that garlic can prevent you from heart diseases and regulate blood sugar in the body. It can also use to reduce or control cholesterol levels into the body. If you use garlic in your daily routine it can prevent you from cancer disease.
  • Brussels Sprouts
    Brussels Sprouts are rich in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. Due to high in antioxidants, they can prevent you from chronic diseases and cell damage. They also help in detoxification of the body.

If you add vegetables in your daily routine their vitamins and minerals will keep you active and healthy. So, enjoy vegetables by adding different flavors on them.


CONTAINER 1440 bags 20 pallets
PALLET 72 bags
NET WEIGHT 36 lbs/ box 2592 lbs/ pallet



CONTAINER 1540 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 77 boxes
NET WEIGHT 36 lbs/ box 2772 lbs/ pallet
VARIATIONS Malanga Blanca #1
Malanga Blanca #2 (Coctel)



CONTAINER 1200 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 60 boxes
NET WEIGHT 50 lbs/ box 3000 lbs/ pallet



CONTAINER 2400 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 120 boxes FS: 4 bags of 6 lbs./ box
NET WEIGHT 24 lbs/ box 2880 lbs/ pallet
SWEET PLANTAIN 11-13 pcs/ lb (Coctel) L: 35-40mm
T: 11-15cm

*Pre-cooked product
Origin: Ecuador
Brix: 31


CONTAINER 2200 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 110 boxes FS: 6bags of 3 lbs/ box
RT: 9 bags of 2lbs/ box
NET WEIGHT 18 lbs/ box 1980 lbs/ pallet
1980 lbs/ pallet 70-90 g/ pc D: 10-12 cm
W: 7-9 mm

*Pre-cooked product


CONTAINER 1080 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 54 boxes
NET WEIGHT 50 lbs/ box 2700 lbs/ pallet
VARIATIONS Colombia/ Burro(Colombia)/ Ecuador


CONTAINER 1400 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 70 boxes
NET WEIGHT 40 lbs/ box 2800 lbs/ pallet
BOXES OF 110; 150; 210; 230; 250 pcs/ box

Origin: Mexico


CONTAINER 1000 bags 20 pallets
PALLET 50 bags
NET WEIGHT 50 lbs/ bag 2500 lbs/ pallet

Origin: Nicaragua


CONTAINER 1540 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 1540 boxes
NET WEIGHT 36 lbs/ box 2772 lbs/ pallet



CONTAINER 1540 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 77 boxes
NET WEIGHT 36 lbs/ box 2772 lbs/ pallet



CONTAINER 1540 boxes 20 pallets
PALLET 77 boxes
NET WEIGHT 36 lbs/ box 2772 lbs/ pallet


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